Thursday, May 22, 2008

The Halter in its wrapped around our finger too

Summer would not be summer without the summer dress...and the less fabric the more popular for heated season. Therefore there is no reason why this year the halter dress is THE DRESS. Every fashion magazine has shown this realization and Hetty is no different. In addition to the creative lack of fabric above the waist, halter dresses also give the consistent and of course independent option of color and style. Creativity is the one major thing we salute in Hetty and this dress is beyond and all around that objective.

Style meaning the cut of not only the straps but where they lie and the cut of what is below it. (Just above the waist of course). Whether its v neck, square neck or so low v neck it hits ur belly button....the list can go on and on...if only the summer could do the same thing? Even despite these aspects, there also is a joining of sorts to the designer's choice of dress cut and the realization a previous post pointed out this is the season of the shoulder and with the halter the shoulder gets some show...with a little additive of fabric wrapped nearby.

Advice to use this is to know your figure no matter how fabulous the dress is. While it is still the year of the shoulder you should always listen to that fashionista within as well as the full length mirror in front of you. But remember to love what you wear as much as you love yourself....otherwise the outfit just doesn't work.

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